Q. How does SomaDerm leverage Homeopathy?
A. SomaDerm leverages the 3 principles of
homeopathy to elicit a response from the
body’s endocrine system. These three
principles are Dilution or Microdosing, the
Law of Opposites, and the Law of Similars.
Through “water memory” or crystalline
structure impressioning, SomaDerm
contains diluted key ingredients at an
almost untraceable level that have had
their molecular message imprinted on the
crystalline structure of the water base.
However, due to the molecular structure
of these key ingredients being carried into
the body, the body is able to recognize
the messaging of these key ingredients
on the water or crystalline structures.
The body then responds to these messages in
a way that triggers a response similar to
what it would had it been given a much
larger external dose. This homeopathic
method is much safer and avoids the
dangers of giving your body massive
amounts of exogenous substances that
risk overburdening your endocrine system.
Q. Is HGH replacement therapy a
substitute for a healthy lifestyle?
A. Although HGH has been looked at as a
miracle drug or the Fountain of Youth,
it shouldn’t be used in place of a healthy
lifestyle. Qualified medical professionals
will always recommend a combination of
a healthy diet and regular exercise in order
to achieve the best results from HGH. For
example, those who do not exercise may
still achieve fat loss but will do so at a much
slower rate than someone who combines
the hormone with consistent exercise.
Q. Is SomaDerm Registered with the
Food and Drug Administration? (FDA)
A. Yes, SomaDerm is registered with the
FDA. However, it is important to note
that SomaDerm is not FDA-approved.
What is the National
Drug Code Number(NDC)
Associated with SomaDerm?
SomaDerm gel NDC: 61877-0005-1. The
Drug Listing Act of 1972 requires registered
drug establishments to provide the FDA
with a current list of all drugs manufactured,
prepared, propagated, compounded, or
processed by it for commercial distribution.
Drug products are identified and reported
using a unique, three-segment number,
called the National Drug Code (NDC), which
serves as a universal product identifier for
drugs. The FDA publishes the listed NDC
numbers and the information submitted as
part of the listing information in the NDC
Directory which is updated daily.
The information submitted as part of the
listing process, the NDC number, and
the NDC Directory are all used in the
implementation and enforcement of the Act.