What is TRi-M*L*T™?
TRi-M*L*T™ is an effective, powerful, and
unique weight management tool that
leverages clinically studied ingredients to
help you combat overpowering cravings
and take your workouts to the next level.
To help you control cravings, reduce body
fat and maximize your workouts, this
premium liquid shot is the
transformative supplement you need to
reach your goals!
Control your transformation with
How is TRi-M*L*T™ hormone-targeting?
The key components in TRi-M*L*T focus on
three of your body transformation
hormones – PYY, Leptin, and Ghrelin.
These hormones provide support for body
PYY: PYY enhances the body's utilization
of fat stores for energy, reducing fatigue
during exercise and supporting optimal
performance during high-intensity
workouts. It also increases ketones,
improves cognition, reduces appetite,
and enhances muscle protection.
Leptin: Leptin is an appetite
suppressant - a hormone your adipose
tissue (body fat) releases that helps your
body maintain a healthy weight on a
long-term basis. It does this by regulating
hunger by providing the sensation of satiety.
Ghrelin: Ghrelin, known as "The Hunger
Hormone," stimulates appetite by
increasing when the stomach is empty
and decreasing after a meal, leading to
consuming more food, calories, and fat
storage. TRi-M*L*T's key ingredients like
CitriSlim, Inulin, and Fucoxanthin work to
decrease Gghrelin levels, promoting
long-term satiety.
What are the benefits of TRi-M*L*T™?
The ingredients in TRi-M*L*T may:
▪ Support healthy Leptin, Ghrelin, and PYY
▪ Curb appetite to reduce caloric intake
▪ Promote hormone-supported weight management
▪ Decrease body fat and improve body composition
▪ Promote emotional and mental support
▪ Reduce fat absorption
▪ Boost energy and support metabolism
How is TRi-M*L*T™ different from M*L*T™?
TRi-M*L*T™ incorporates the acronym
“TRi,” representing the three primary
hormones supported in the product,
Leptin, Ghrelin, and PYY, which play a
crucial role in facilitating body
transformation. Within TRi-M*L*T, the
essential ingredients that drive hormone
support in the formula collectively
represent SomaTech™.
SomaTech is New
U Life’s one-of-a-kind scientific approach
that includes research and development,
key ingredient blends, and products that
address hormone imbalances that lead to
unwanted aging. M*L*T, although highly
effective in supporting transformation,
does not contain this powerful SomaTech
blend. These products may be used
together to help control cravings and fuel
your transformation.
How do I use this TRi-M*L*T™?
As a dietary supplement, consume one
sachet daily. TRi-M*L*T™ is best taken in
the morning prior to a meal to optimize
the absorption of nutrients. Shake the
sachet prior to drinking. Take five days on
and two days off. Product does not need to
be mixed with water.